In my first and most of my subsequent pregnancies, I knew I was pregnant within DAYS. Can you believe that? I’ve had 12 pregnancies, and 7 were miscarriages, and with all of them I knew almost immediately. Most are not so “sensitive”. I also experienced difficult pregnancies until I began the research that has helped me to build so many infertility and fertility information sites. You can see the products we have developed for better health at Whole Family Products, including the Fertility Tracker and Cycle Balance Progesterone Cream, our most popular progesterone cream. We have also just launched our new line: Fertile Products with Fertile Male and Fertile Female.

So, down the tubes we go, separating and growing in just the first couple of days.

1.) The new life makes its way to the uterine lining and burrows in. A placenta begins. The hormone hCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin) production begins as this new life tells the mother’s brain that conception has occurred. PARTY in the womb! If you have been following the simple steps of overcoming infertility, or have just been watching carefully, you will most likely be taking your temps. You may also be using a Fertility Tracker, a fertility monitor using salivary ferning to detect fertile times, pregnancy and other signs you may be looking for right now.

Two things will happen simultaneously.

A) Ferning will show on the day of implantation. This is usually present because when implantation occurs there is a surge of estrogen and the start of a placenta.

B) There will be a sudden dip in temperature, much like the dip before you ovulate, because the estrogen rise causes the progesterone to drop.

2.) If progesterone is at work and things are progressing, you should also notice a rise in temperatures each day, but to a second level. Click here for some temperature examples of before ovulation through early pregnancy. Please do not believe it to be about exact temps. You should be looking for patterns. Most likely, if you do not have a second rise, then you are not pregnant or need to be sure you are not progesterone deficient. Progesterone is important for overall fertility health because it helps prepare the uterus for pregnancy. In order to create the ideal supportive environment for a fertilized egg or embryo in your uterus, you need to have a thick lining in your uterus.

After implantation day, you should notice a change in temperatures at waking and the ferns disappear. Read more about this at From this point on, with the rise of progesterone, there should also be a rise in temperatures.

NOTE of interest: Estrogen is cooling. Remember that your temperature goes down when estrogen spikes to release the egg and your temps go up when the egg is released. Therefore, the same is true with conception, since progesterone rises.

3.) Implantation spotting is often the first sign to a soon-to-be mom. It happens when your new life burrows in but is not usually seen before other symptoms occur. Your baby is tiny and therefore there would only be a tiny puncture, creating only a tiny bit of blood. Don’t be alarmed if you do not feel it or see any spotting because most of it goes unnoticed by the time it reaches the toilet paper. The reason for this is that spotting takes a few days to travel its course. Small droplets of blood do not have the same movement as the larger amounts during your period. It typically occurs about 10 to 14 days after conception. Implantation bleeding is light and stops on its own.

The next five signs and symptoms of pregnancy are not experienced by all but are helpful to know about.

    1. A need to urinate frequently. By the time you are at the end of your pregnancy you laugh at what you thought was a lot. The point is that you will most likely pee more often. Later on your bladder and other parts of your body will start the softening needed for delivery. With the softening comes the relaxation of the pelvis. Your uterus will lift up as it grows which will take the pressure off the bladder as well.
    2. Noticing that you are more tired than at other times is very common. In the first trimester, some women may feel exhausted, while others may not. Exhaustion usually disappears by the second trimester but returns in the third trimester.
    3. This one I hate to even write about but must. Morning sickness is the worst part of partnering in creating a new life. In our pregnancy section we talk more about pregnancy issues and how to relieve uncomfortable aspects of pregnancy from the picture. This was where progesterone played a huge role in my last 2 pregnancies. For me, I knew I was pregnant in a few days and was sick by day seven with my first and by week two with subsequent pregnancies.
    4. Now comes your husband’s favorite part. Breast enlargement. With estrogen on the rise, breasts will swell. You may notice color changes (usually farther along in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters) and the nipple to become more pronounced. Your breasts may grow as much as a cup size in the 3rd trimester and after the baby is born even more. It is a wonderful part of being a woman and will compliment your beautiful round belly as you swell from your growing baby.
    5. As your body expands during pregnancy, you’ll experience pregnancy cramps. Do not be alarmed, especially when you experience other symptoms as well. The only thing to keep an eye on with cramping is bleeding, not spotting, but bleeding.
    6. [In any case, if you are experiencing severe cramps that are accompanied by bleeding or without bleeding, call your doctor immediately.]

    7. An aversion to smells and foods. I remember with my first child how sick it made me when the man next door to us cut his grass. That was equally as bothersome as the simple smell of soap on my husband’s face when he would wash up. Poor, good man. He went through hell with me in order to enjoy our beautiful children. YES, just cutting the grass and the smell of a clean washed man was awful for me.
    8. On the other hand you might begin to crave foods that have nutrients you are lacking or even foods that trigger memories.
    9. Heartburn. This is not usually a first symptom but may be for those who did not consume a good diet prior to pregnancy. This is because progesterone slows down the metabolism.
    10. Mood Changes. Women may feel different emotions. Some may feel easily annoyed, while others feel extremely happy. These feelings happen because of pregnancy hormones interacting with brain chemicals, leading to mood changes.
    11. Lastly, I feel a strange need to spit. When your hormones are not in balance there can be a higher mucus production and a bad taste in your mouth. When you are REALLY out of whack this feeling will lead to excess and then vomiting will often follow.